/Anh Thu – NLĐO/
A type of tea that can miraculously improve fat metabolism, thereby reducing the risk of fatty liver and fat-related health problems in general.
According to a study published in Frontiers in Nutrition, animal-based experiments by scientists from China and Azerbaijan suggest drinking tea may be a simple way to prevent liver disease.
That magical tea is black tea. Black tea is more deeply fermented than “fresh” green tea or partially fermented oolong tea. It is the fermentation or non-fermentation, the level of fermentation… that has contributed to changing some of this drink’s ingredients and medicinal properties.
Among them, black tea, with its diversity of several unique biologically active compounds, has impressive effects on fat metabolism.
In the experiment conducted by authors from Anhui Agricultural University, Jiangsu University of Science and Technology (China), and Khazar University (Azerbaijan), experimental mice were fed a diet level where fat accounts for 60% of total energy.
Some animals were supplemented with black tea powder from two popular Chinese black teas for 15 weeks.
The results showed that compared to control mice, mice supplemented with black tea had the most apparent difference in liver fat accumulation because compounds in black tea changed the mRNA levels of genes. Metabolize lipids in the liver effectively.
Thanks to that, processes related to cholesterol synthesis, fat resolution, fatty acid oxidation, absorption of free fatty acids, and cholesterol from the circulatory system… are also improved positively.
According to the primary mechanism, tea inhibits fat synthesis and promotes lipid excretion through feces and oxidative decomposition of fat.
Thanks to this ability to regulate lipid metabolism and energy balance, black tea also helps fight obesity. Some other studies show that this tea also prevents blood lipid atherosclerosis…
This is good news because tea is a popular drink in many parts of the world, in which black tea is the traditional tea of some Asian countries, including Vietnam.