Green tea is a healthy drink. However, you should not drink it when you have just finished eating, drink it when it is too hot, or drink it when you are hungry.
/Ha An – Dan Tri Newspaper/
Tea contains tannin, caffeine, essential oils, vitamins, proteins, minerals, and pigments. Tea contains caffeine, stimulating the central nervous system, cardiovascular activity, kidney function, and digestive tract.
Green tea contains antioxidants such as epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), quercetin, chlorogenic acid, and theogallin. Green tea also has potent anti-cancer properties. It has been shown to help protect against bladder, breast, colorectal, and prostate cancer cells.
Although studies have proven its value time and time again, there are certain principles to keep in mind if you want to get the most out of this magical tea. Ideal green tea consumption is two to five cups per day and should be considered.
Here are some things you need to pay attention to when drinking green tea, according to the Times of India:
Drink green tea immediately after meals.
One of the biggest misconceptions about green tea consumption is that drinking it right after your meal will help eliminate all the calories you just consumed. This is not true, as the protein in your food has not yet been digested by the body, so drinking green tea immediately after a meal can harm this process and, therefore, should be avoided at all costs.
Tannins in tea inhibit iron absorption. Therefore, drinking tea immediately after eating will reduce iron absorption from food.
Drink green tea that is too hot.
Drinking green tea when it’s too hot makes it unpalatable and can hurt your stomach and throat. Therefore, drink warm green tea for best results.
Drink green tea when hungry.
Because green tea replenishes and detoxifies the body, some people think that drinking green tea first thing in the morning is a safe bet. That is not entirely true. After many hours of fasting, you should enjoy something light to improve your metabolism. Green tea contains powerful antioxidants and potent polyphenols that can increase stomach acid production and upset digestion. Therefore, you should not drink green tea on an empty stomach.
Add honey to green tea while it is still hot.
Most of us like adding honey to green tea because it is a healthy alternative to sugar and tastes delicious. However, if you add honey to a cup of boiling green tea, the nutritional value of the honey will likely be destroyed. Therefore, let the temperature of your green tea cool down a bit, then add cinnamon, honey, or whatever you want.
Drink too much
Just because green tea is healthy doesn’t mean you can drink countless cups daily. Just like coffee, green tea also contains caffeine. Consuming too much caffeine during the day can cause harmful side effects, including headaches, lethargy, drowsiness, anxiety, and irritability.
Therefore, moderation in your intake is essential. Drinking too much green tea is also thought to reduce iron absorption in the body. Ensure you drink 2-3 cups daily, and do it sparingly.