Research on tea can kill cancer cells

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Thien Lan – Thanh Nien Newspaper

   Research shows that dandelion tea can kill pancreatic cancer cells, leukaemia and colon cancer cells.

One expert said drinking dandelion tea is a simple way to reduce cancer risk.

Here, a doctor will explain why dandelion root tea can kill cancer cells.

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One expert says dandelion tea is a simple way to reduce cancer risk. SHUTTERSTOCK

Dandelion tea is renowned for its digestive power and may reduce cancer risk, especially pancreatic cancer, says Dr Deborah Lee from Dr Fox Online Pharmacy (UK).

Dr Lee said: Dandelion has been used as a natural remedy for health for hundreds of years. It has been scientifically proven to have anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, anti-cancer and diuretic properties.

From vitamins and minerals to polyphenols, dandelion has many healthful properties.

It contains a large amount of B-carotene, shown by many medical studies to have potent anti-cancer effects, including reducing the risk of pancreatic cancer, Dr Lee said.

The active ingredients taraxasterol, taraxerol, chlorogenic acid and chicoric acid in dandelion all have cancer-fighting properties, explains Lee.

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Renowned for its digestive power, this delicately sweet-flavoured tea may reduce cancer risk, especially pancreatic cancer. SHUTTERSTOCK

This expert is one of many to highlight the anti-cancer properties of dandelion. Research published in the scientific journal Pancreas also shows that dandelion root can kill prostate cancer cells.

Laboratory research shows that dandelion root extract can induce human pancreatic cancer cell death.

Furthermore, the team also found that dandelion did not affect healthy cells while killing cancer cells.

Dr Lee said: “Other studies have shown that dandelion root also kills human leukaemia and colon cancer cells in mice.

Scientists believe that the pharmacologically active substances in dandelion root naturally stimulate the process of cancer cells dying on their own.